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  • 品牌名称:胡家坊粗布 投资金额:5-10万 属于行业:家纺 床上用品
  • 品牌发源:济南 主营产品:粗布床品、衬衣、睡衣等粗布产品
  • 公司地址:天桥区西工商河路19号
  • 进入品牌官网 咨询加盟流程

     "胡家坊"手织老粗布产品,它是山东省独有的一种民间纯棉手工纺织品,具有浓郁的乡土气息和鲜明的文化特色。据考古发掘发现,远在新石器时代,遗址中就有"纺纶"出土,可见当时就有了原始的纺织工具被人们所利用。 "胡家坊"的原料全为好,不施加化肥的绿色有机棉和天然彩色棉纤维,在加工过程中采用手纺,手织及植物染色,生物酶柔物理机械整理等生态处理技术,努力提升产品的绿色环保品质。"胡家坊"本身不含对人体有害的物质,亲和肌肤,色彩柔美,气味芬芳,并且具有防虫防紫外线的保健功能,是当代生态工艺纺织精品。 "胡家坊"手织粗布是世代传承的一种纯棉手工纺织品是自然健康的布料。它有着几千年的纺织文化与传统工艺,具有鲜明的特色和丰富的文化意涵,在当今社会崇尚绿色生活中,它有着机织布不可比拟的优越性,其冬暖夏凉,透气性好,不易搓起,不卷边,抗静电,又因其线粗纹深,整个布面形成无数个按摩点。具有良好的保健和美肤作用。手织布织造工艺很为复杂,从采棉到成布要经过牵经,闯杼,刷线,穿综,挂机,织布等大大小小七十二道工序,手织布以二十二种基本色调经过精心设计,变幻出近两千种绚丽多彩的图案,堪称千变万化,巧夺天工。我公司集合材料、设计、织造、染整等导师,以现代化的观念与技术,采撷传统手织布的优点,并于天然棉花之外,导入新疆彩棉、竹碳纤维等新型材质,开发出一系列自然健康、时尚品味的手织布服装、寝具与家饰等绿色产品。目前拥有经过我公司培训的协力加工户上千家,剪裁、缝纫工二百余人。产品销往各省市各地及欧美、澳、韩、日本等。赢得了消费者的青昧, 我们集合一批导师,将时尚与品味导入历史悠久、颇具特色的手织布之中,不断研发新的产品,开发新的市场,为手织棉布在传承几千年之后,创造出另一段光辉灿烂的新生命。 同时也希望能为珍爱传统文化、崇尚自然健康并雅好时尚品味的国内外人士贡献的服装、寝具与家饰。 产品种类: 手织布制品:床单、被套、枕套、时装、服饰、睡衣、璧饰、挂饰、灯饰、提袋、手包和手织彩棉布系列等
    Hand in"the beard house shop" knits an old coarse cloth product, it is Shandong province to possess singly of a kind of civil and pure cotton handicraft textile product, have heavy agrestic breathing special features with fresh and clear race cultural.Discover to discover according to the cist, far there is"Fang Lun" in the ruins sprout in the new stone age, it is thus clear that had at that time original of the spinning tool was exploited by people. All of the raw material of"the beard house shop" is superior qualities, don't exert agrochemical to turn fatty green and organic cotton and natural and colorful cotton fiber, in the process of process in adoption hand Fang, knit and plant dye, living creature Mao soft and physical machine **ting etc. ecosystem processing technique, promote the green environmental protection quality of product hard."The beard house shop" oneself don't contain to the human body harmful material, in person with skin, the color soft United States, the smell is fragrant, and has to defend an insect to disinfect health care function of defend the ultraviolet ray and is a contemporary ecosystem craft spinning exquisite article. Hand in"the beard house shop"'s knitting coarse cloth's ising a kind of pure cotton handicraft textile product that the generation spreads to accept is the most natural healthy cloth.It has spinning culture and traditional craft for several thousand years and have fresh and clear race special features with abundant of cultural import, in nowadays the society emphasize the green life, it has the superiority that the machine weaving can't compare to, its warm in winter and cool in summer, well ventilated good, don't easily start to rub, not book side, anti- static electricity, again because of its line thick line deep, the whole cloth cover becomes numerous massages to order.Have good health care and beautiful skin function.The hand weaving knits to build a craft extremely complicated, from adopt cotton to arrive into cloth and pass by to lead long through, rush Zhu, brush line, wear Zong, hang machine, weaving's etc. is 72 consumedly small work prefaces, hand weaving with 22 kinds of basic tone has been with meticulous care designed and change Huan about 2,000 kinds of gorgeous and colorful patterns, be rated as ever-changing, rival nature. My company gathers material, design, knit to build, dying etc. expert, with modernization of idea and technique, adopt the advantage of the Jie traditional hand weaving, and at the natural cotton outside, colourful cotton in ducting Xinjiang, bamboo carbon fiber etc. new material, develop a series of nature health, vogue hand weaving clothing, bedding and house of the tasty decorate etc. green product.Own my company of process to train currently of join force and process a top thousand, tailor, the sewing work be more than 200 persons.The product sell to the whole whole country and Europe and America, Ao, , Japanese etc. nation. Won the green Mei of consumer, We gather a group of experts and duct vogue and tasty into the history long, have the hand weaving of special features rather in, continuously develop a new product, the development is new of market, in order to knit cotton after spreading to accept several thousand years, create an another splendid new life. Also hope in the meantime for cherish traditional culture, emphasize a natural health combine the graceful good vogue taste of the domestic and international personage contribute the best clothing, bedding and house to decorate. Product category: Hand weaving ware:Bed sheet, quilt sack, pillowcase, fashionable dresses, dress, pajama, Bi decoration, hang a decoration, lamps and laterns and lift bag, hand to wrap with knit colourful cotton series etc.




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[简介] 山东胡家坊纺织品有限公司坐落于重点产棉区山东,公司是集设计...



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