● 采用多种深度精制高粘度指数基础油和进口复合剂,复合陶瓷合金润滑因子调制而成。
Use of antioxidant performance of hydrotreating high viscosity index base oil and import agent, the ceramic composite of lubrication factor;
● 很凡的双重保护功能 延长发动机使用寿命,保护润滑油的性能,有效减少机件在低速、重载等苛刻行驶条件下的磨损;
The extraordinary double protection to extend engine life, protecting the oil proformance,effectively reduce the mechanical abrasion in the low-speed, heavy-duty harsh driving conditions;
● 很凡的节能效果 显著提高动力,增强马力,节约燃油5%以上,满足车辆长期高速行驶需要;
The extraordinary energy-saving effect, significantly raising the driving force to enhance horsepower, average fuel savings over 5%,meet the need of long-term high-speed vehicles;
● 很凡的环保功能 减少汽车尾气中有害气体排放25%以上;
The outstanding features of environmental protection, with an average reduction of harmful vehicle exhaust gas emissions more than 25%;
● 很凡的修复功能 显著降低发动机工作噪音,减少震动,修复磨损,减少维修次数,有效保护密封材料,防止泄露;
The outstanding repair features in a significant reduction in engine noise, vibration , wear and tear, and the number of maintenance, effective protection of the sealed materials to prevent leakage;
● 优异的清净分散性、低温启动性、粘温性能及氧化安定性,有效控制发动机油泥和活塞环沉积物。
Excellent dispersion of clean, low temperature start, and viscosity-temperature properties and oxidation stability, effective control of engine oil sludge and piston deposits.
● GB 11122-2006(CH-4)
● API CH-4
● 适用于目前国内外各种汽车厂生产的两段双金属活塞、直喷式带涡轮增压中冷式柴油机,可替代CG-4,CF-4,CD等级别油品。
<table Table" align="center" style="width: 479.95pt;margin-left: -26.9pt">
项目 | 红瓷霸 | |
SAE粘度等级 | 15W-40 | 20W-50 |
运动粘度(℃),mm2/s | 15.6 | 19.3 |
闪点(开口),℃ | 225 | 234 |
倾点,℃ | -28 | -22 |
水分(体积分数)% | 无 | 无 |
● 4L塑料桶
● 16KG塑桶
● 170KG钢桶